Difference between Fog Computing and Cloud Computing

Fog Computing vs Cloud Computing

Komputasi awan: Pengiriman layanan komputasi berdasarkan permintaan dikenal sebagai komputasi awan. Kami mungkin menggunakan aplikasi untuk menyimpan dan memproses daya melalui Internet. Tanpa memiliki infrastruktur komputasi atau pusat data apa pun, siapa pun dapat menyewa akses apa pun mulai dari aplikasi hingga penyimpanan dari penyedia layanan cloud. Komputasi kabut adalah infrastruktur atau proses komputasi terdesentralisasi di mana sumber daya komputasi ditempatkan antara sumber data dan cloud atau pusat data lainnya. Komputasi kabut adalah paradigma yang menyediakan layanan terhadap permintaan pengguna di jaringan edge. Perangkat pada lapisan kabut biasanya melakukan operasi terkait jaringan seperti router, gateway, bridge, dan hub. Para peneliti membayangkan perangkat ini dapat melakukan tugas komputasi dan jaringan secara bersamaan. Meskipun alat-alat ini memiliki keterbatasan sumber daya dibandingkan dengan server cloud, penyebaran geologis dan sifat terdesentralisasi membantu menyediakan layanan yang andal dengan cakupan wilayah yang luas. Kabut adalah lokasi fisik perangkat komputasi yang lebih dekat dengan pengguna dibandingkan server cloud. Table of differences between cloud computing and fog computing is given below: Specialty Cloud Computing fog computing Delay Cloud computing has higher latency than fog computing Fog computing has low latency Capacity Cloud computing does not provide any reduction in data while sending or converting data. Fog computing reduces the amount of data sent to cloud computing. Responsiveness The response time of the system is low. The response time of the system is high. Security Cloud computing has less Security compared to Fog Computing Fog computing has high Security. Speed Access speed is high depending on the VM connectivity. High even more compared to Cloud Computing. Data Integration Multiple data sources can be integrated. Multiple Data sources and devices can be integrated. Mobility In cloud computing, mobility is Limited. Mobility is supported in fog computing. Location Awareness Partially Supported in Cloud computing. Supported in fog computing. Number of Server Nodes Cloud computing has Few numbers server nodes. Fog computing has a Large number of server nodes. Geographical Distribution It is centralized. It is decentralized and distributed. Location of service Services provided within the Internet. Services are provided at the edge of the local network. Working environment Specific data center building with air conditioning systems Outdoor (streets, base stations, etc.) or indoor (houses, cafes, etc.) Communication mode IP network Wireless communication: WLAN, WiFi, 3G, 4G, ZigBee, etc. or wired communication (part of the IP networks) Dependence on the quality of core network Requires strong network core. It can also work in a Weak network core. Difference between Fog Computing and Cloud Computing: Information: Structure: Protection: Component: Accountability: Application: Reduces latency: Flexibility in Network Bandwidth: //AZS referensi : [1][2]

By zefanyasosiawan@student.telkomuniversity.ac.id | artikel . Cloud Computing . Cloud Computing . Prodi D3TT